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Vaccination Safety

CDC Landing Hero - Nurse

Vaccination Safety

Vaccines protect individuals and the public from life-threatening, preventable diseases. Healthy individuals, as well as the most vulnerable, benefit from vaccinations. Nurses should be well-informed about safe and unsafe injection practices, including proper use and disposal, as well as understand potential risks and strategies to prevent injury or contamination.

Multi-dose Vials

Recognizing the differences between single-dose and multiple-dose vials and to understand appropriate use of each container type.

How Do I Safely Use a Multi-Dose Vaccine Vial? Part 2
How Do I Safely Use a Multi-Dose Vaccine Vial? Part 1
Safety Steps for Giving Vaccines from Multi-dose Vials

Injection Safety

Adhering to injection safety best practices is critical to nurse and patient safety.

WHO Best Practices for Injections and Related Procedures Toolkit
First, do no harm
Injection Safety for COVID-19 Vaccinators & Vaccine Administrators
Preventing Needlesticks
Sharps Safety for Healthcare Settings
Sharps Injury Prevention
Injection Safety Pain Clinics
Safe Injections Cancer Clinics
Safe Injections for Patients
Injection Safety Guidelines
Injection Safety Video
Managing Patient Safety, One Injection at a Time
Check Your Steps! Make Every Injection Safe
Exploring Best Practices in Injection Safety


Discover free, on-the-go resources for healthcare providers on how to safely administer vaccinations, from Project Firstline and ANA.

PPE Guidance when Administering Vaccines to Children
WHO's guidance on Infection prevention and control procedures for COVID-19 vaccination activities

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