Plastic and Aesthetic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, Third Edition

The foundational resource for contemporary plastic and aesthetic nursing practice, this book
reflects the most current thinking in the specialty and offers a blueprint for Plastic and aesthetic nursing philosophy, principles, and practices.
Product Detail
The International Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Nurses (ISPAN) and ANA have collaborated to produce this foundational document for contemporary plastic and aesthetic nursing practice. Inside this foundational resource, readers will find:
- 17 standards with measurable competencies;
- A scope of practice statement laying out the who, what, where, when, why, and how of plastic and aesthetic nursing practice;
- A comprehensive and up-to-date description of the competent level of practice and professional performance required of them;
- A detailed discussion of the most current thinking in the specialty; and
- A blueprint for plastic and aesthetic nursing philosophy, principles, and practices.
Whatever their practice levels or setting, the Plastic and Aesthetic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice is an essential resource for plastic and aesthetic registered nurses, educators, students, and others involved in nursing care, research, advocacy, and certification.