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See You Now: Data - Technology Driven Care (Free)

Regular Price: $0.00
Online Course & CNE Credit Expiration: 09/01/2025
4 Contact Hours

Data and technology are tools often synonymous with innovation. They’re also tools that can be overwhelming because you can’t see the immediate benefit for your patients or yourself. Spend some time listening to how data and technology are used for good in a variety of settings in down-to-earth conversations in these SEE YOU NOW podcasts.

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Data and technology are tools often synonymous with innovation. They’re also tools that can be overwhelming because you can’t see the immediate benefit for your patients or yourself. Spend some time listening to how data and technology are used for good in a variety of settings in down-to-earth conversations in these SEE YOU NOW podcasts.

Prescribing Technology & Social Media: People newly diagnosed and living with chronic conditions increasingly turn to technology, the internet and social media seeking information and education, to share clinical information and the latest research, to receive and provide support, and to share solutions and resources. In the spirit of “meeting people where they are,” clinicians are following and joining patients in these social spaces, learning a lot — and together — are improving health.

In this episode we hear how Nurse Practitioner Michelle Litchman, PhD, FNP-BC, FAANP, FADCES, FAAN practices and innovates at the intersection of diabetes, digital health, and disparities. Searching digital spaces, online resources, and communities she discovers the specific needs and pain points that patients and families are experiencing. Her work to better assess and address the many dimensions of access and accessibility led to an awareness and understanding of why people with diabetes are foregoing basic needs and taking part in "life exchanges'' of trading of insulin and medical supplies just to stay healthy, and to the subsequent passage of legislation offering an important lifeline to those who depend on insulin to survive. In her research and innovation, she shares the value of collaborating with citizen scientists, so the patients’ story and experience are reflected in the research, policies, and solutions.

Big Data & AI Meet Precision Nursing: Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way since being formally established as a field in 1956. Today, AI operates seamlessly in most every facet of our daily lives—and increasingly into more and more aspects of healthcare and how nurses are caring for people, and for entire populations. With the amount of health data and the rate at which we’re generating it, combined with the extraordinary computing power of machines, we're at a point where AI can see patterns we can't and tell us things we didn't know, before they happen!

In this episode, we meet nurse and innovation sherpa Robbie Freeman, MSN, RN, NE-BC, and learn how he and his team of clinicians, data scientists, and engineers are working with an interesting array of technology partners to design and embed AI into hospital operations and clinical workflows. This work supports nurses, doctors, and care teams in predicting and better managing clinical situations while keeping people safe, involving patients more deeply in their care, and ushering in a moonshot for healthcare that Robbie characterizes as “Precision Nursing”—delivering the right care to the right person, in the best way, at the ideal moment.

Real World Data. Real Life Results: The use of data is rapidly shaping and transforming every aspect of how we measure, track, research, and deliver healthcare. Using large data sets, innovators have been unleashing technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and sentiment analysis to open entirely new avenues to understand health conditions, the circumstances in which they arise, and personalized approaches to addressing them. Cancer care is one area where the use of data is rapidly transforming every facet of care, and one rapidly evolving development is the use of real-world data to provide important insights that often have not been answered using data from the highly prized clinical trials data. One very specific area that data — particularly real-world data — is helping us to understand is how race and ethnicity play a role in disparities in care and outcomes. In this episode, we go deep into the data weeds with clinician, innovator, and data specialist Kathleen Maignan, AGPCNP-BC, MSN, OCN, to reveal what stories the data really has to tell.

Disaster Ready: Public health emergencies ranging from weather-related events, man-made hazards, and pathogen-based outbreaks and epidemics are far more common and increasing in frequency than one might imagine. The reality is there are many public health hazards with the potential to create catastrophic events that will have negative health outcomes for communities and the people who live in them as well as inflicting serious damage to the health systems and professionals responding to these crises and disasters. In this episode we meet disasters head-on at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security by visiting with nurse scientist and innovator Tener Goodwin Veenema, PhD, MPH, MS, RN, FAAN, who spends all her waking hours (and some sleepless nights) considering the science, technology, and innovations that are being deployed to strengthen health systems, build community resilience, and protect national security.

If you would like to learn more on the See You Now podcast series, please click here:

Key Learning Outcomes

After listening to this set of podcasts, you will benefit from:

  • Expanded knowledge of how data and technology are synonymous with innovation.
  • A broadened understanding of how technology is driving and advancing health care.

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Accreditation Statements

American Nurses Association is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.


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