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APRN Pharmacology Today: Polypharmacy Considerations

Regular Price: $59.00
Online Course & CNE Credit Expiration: 07/15/2026
3.6 Contact Hours
Presented by Ana

Polypharmacy is common in older adults with the highest number of drugs taken by those residing in nursing homes. The use of medications that are not indicated, not effective, or constitute a therapeutic duplication can be prevented and reduce adverse health outcomes. Learn more about polypharmacy today!

℞ Earn 3.6 pharmacology contact hours upon completion of the course.

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Course Details


This course offers the APRN an overview of polypharmacy, the concerns related to polypharmacy, and how to address the overall impact of polypharmacy, especially when considering the older adult and geriatric populations.  This course assists the APRN in fulfilling pharmacology CE requirements for licensure.

Key Learning Outcomes:

The key learning outcomes for this activity are:

  • Describe polypharmacy and the impact of polypharmacy on older adults
  • Discuss key aspects of BEERS criteria and application to practice
  • Explore different tools and resources do decrease inappropriate medication prescribing
  • Identify one practice change based on current course content

Location Details


Use of these or any other course(s)/material(s) does not imply eligibility for certification or successful performance on any certification exam, nor is it a requirement to qualify for individual certification.

American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) does not endorse any products or services.

Accreditation Statements

American Nurses Association is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.


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