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Nurse Well-Being: Building Peer and Leadership Support Program-Preview (Free)

Regular Price: $0.00
Online Course & CNE Credit Expiration: 05/09/2026
.75 Contact Hours
Presented by Foundation

You and your colleagues cope with the unique stressors of the nursing profession that often impact your overall health and quality of care. Nurses can have feelings of inadequacy or even occupational burnout leading to their departure from nursing.

The Nurse Well-Being: Building Peer and Leadership Support Program can help reduce or eliminate barriers to nurses' health and wellness. Learn more during this program preview about common language and techniques used to address stress injuries that provide positive outcomes for nurses and the communities they serve.

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Course Details


The Nurse Well-Being: Building Peer and Leadership Support Program serves as an initial step for providing care and support to nurses experiencing sustained stress. You and your fellow nurses may notice a peer experiencing physical and psychological symptoms affecting their overall health and wellness. What you may not directly realize in the moment is the rippling impact this has on your team, patient health, the nursing profession, and health care systems.

This program uses your nursing skills to assess and advocate for interventions for your colleagues. Nurses in many situations are unable to translate these skills to self-care due to varying intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The Nurse Well-Being: Building Peer and Leadership Support Program will help you as an individual and compassionate leader to:

  • Define stress injuries and their signs and symptoms.
  • Adopt a common language and implement techniques to reduce the impact of stress injuries.
  • Learn how to identify local resources to connect with peers and additional mental health and well-being support.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Identify early signs and symptoms of stress and burnout, both personally and professionally.
  • Demonstrate effective strategies for managing and mitigating stress and burnout.
  • Acquire practical skills and techniques for reducing the impact of stress injury.

Location Details

Accreditation Statements

American Nurses Association is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.


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