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Answering the Call to Innovate: A Nurse's Journey Towards Healthcare Equity

3 minJune, 13 2024Lecresha Sewell, DNP, MSN, APRN, WHNP-BC, SANE, CEO/ Founder Melanated Healthcare, Inc.

In the noble field of nursing, each of us is called to fulfill a significant purpose. Yet, for some of us, this calling goes beyond providing excellent healthcare—it ignites a passion to effect transformative change. Nurse innovators are those individuals driven not only to fulfill a purpose but also to leave an indelible mark with their contributions. This journey often begins with a personal experience or revelation, compelling them to challenge the status quo and strive for a more equitable healthcare system. In this blog post, we delve into my inspiring journey as a nurse innovator who answered the call to innovate and champion healthcare equity.

The Spark of Inspiration

For many nurse innovators, the journey begins with a spark of inspiration ignited by personal experience. In my case, this spark was lit during my undergraduate years when an unplanned pregnancy led me to seek healthcare services. However, the care I received fell short, revealing glaring disparities in cultural competence and patient-centered care. This formative experience served as a catalyst, propelling me towards a career as a women’s health nurse practitioner dedicated to addressing healthcare disparities, particularly for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) women.

A Call to Action

After nearly eight years as a women’s health nurse practitioner, I could no longer ignore the pervasive issues plaguing healthcare access and equity. Daily encounters with patients recounting similar experiences fueled my determination to make a difference. Armed with a burning desire to innovate, I embarked on a journey to challenge the status quo and transform the healthcare landscape.


The Birth of Melanated Healthcare

In 2020, fueled by a steadfast commitment to change, I founded Melanated Healthcare —a digital health company and telemedicine practice with a mission to address the systemic barriers to care faced by BIPOC and underserved communities. By providing a platform where patients can connect with culturally aligned health professionals, Melanated Healthcare aims to not only improve access to care but also to promote positive health outcomes. Through strategic partnerships and the implementation of a standardized hybrid care model, the company endeavors to bridge the gap in healthcare disparities and pave the way for a more equitable future.

Navigating the Path to Innovation

Undoubtedly, the journey to innovation is fraught with challenges. Resistance to change, entrenched traditions, and institutional barriers often hinder progress. Yet, as a nurse innovator, I understand that adversity is an inevitable part of the journey. Despite potential rejection, I remain undeterred, viewing each obstacle as an opportunity to lead, inspire, and effect meaningful change. With unwavering determination and a steadfast commitment to my purpose, I continue to forge ahead, leaving a lasting impact on the healthcare landscape.


My story as a nurse innovator serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential within each of us. By answering the call to innovate, I not only transformed my own journey but also inspired others to join the movement towards healthcare equity. As nurses, we are uniquely positioned to drive change and champion the cause of social justice within healthcare. Let us heed the call to innovate, pursue our purpose with passion, and leave our mark on the world. Together, we can build a future where equitable healthcare is not just a dream but a reality for all.

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