Promoting public health and well-being are critical functions of nurses and ANA! Immunizations, for both nurses and the public, play a large role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases such as seasonal influenza. Do your part by ensuring that you, your patients and your community are safe by keeping up-to-date with immunizations.

Vaccinations protect the individual and the public from life-threatening, preventable diseases. Healthy individuals, as well as the most vulnerable, benefit from vaccinations. Health care providers, patients, families, and caretakers benefit from becoming immunized; and registered nurses have a responsibility in advocating for necessary vaccines throughout an individuals’ health care continuum. Neonates, pediatric, immunocompromised, and individuals experiencing chronic diseases are especially at high risk for developing preventable disease complications and should also become vaccinated.
Flu Vaccination
ANA urges Americans to follow the scientific evidence supporting flu vaccination and the guidance of health care professionals, who are on the front lines fighting both the flu and COVID-19. All eligible Americans should get their flu vaccination and encourage their loved ones to do the same – no matter what day of the week. To learn more about the importance of getting a flu vaccination and access resources and tips, visit the It’s a Good Time to Get Your Flu Vaccine webpage.
COVID-19 Vaccines
Learn more about the development and distribution plans for COVID-19 vaccination.
Policy Statements
ANA has a long-standing policy supporting immunizations. ANA believes nurses have a professional and ethical obligation to be immunized - it protects the health of the nurse, patients, and the community.
Read ANA's Position Statement
Read other policies